
Islands are nice...

Okay, so I'm going to Monhegan Island tomorrow. My aunt lives there, so we're going on a trip to visit her. I haven't been in years. I don't even really remember it. All I remember is a truck. Which is a very weird memory to have. Anywho, I'm going out there tomorrow first thing. So waking up at 6:30 is not going to be fun. But islands are fun, so that will make up for it.

Oh, I'm also getting new converse tomorrow. That will be a wonderful thing to get. I love getting new shoes. It makes me feel so cool and hip. Haha. Then I wear them around and they get all dirty and ripped out, and I don't feel hip anymore. My dad's picking them up, however, because I'm going to be on Monhegan, and he works close to a store that sells them for cheaper than other stores. Hopefully they'll be decent. I've told him exactly what I want though, so one can hope that he'll get the right kind. I HAVE FAITH IN YOU, FATHER!

I think I've exhausted the current events of my life at the moment. I know this is a short post, but I don't really want to ramble on about nothing (well, not anymore than I have already).

Au revoir!

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